Award for best Adivasi Hostel in 1995 by Social Welfare Department, Govt. of Maharashtra
Award called 'Dalit Mitra Award' was given by the then Chief Minister of Maharashtra in 1997
Award called 'Ahilaybai Holkar Award' was given by the then Chief Minister of Maharashtra in 2012

OLD PEOPLE'S HOME : We are on the look out for a suitable opportunity to build a home for 50 aged persons after completion of other pending projects. This project will be taken up for implementation subsequently. Ladies Hostel and Building for Ashram Shalla G.N.M. NURSING SCHOOL
TRIBAL GIRLS HOSTEL: Shri. Nanasaheb Gore donated Rs. 50,000/- in the memory of his wife Sau. Sumatibai Gore in 1974. With the help of this donation, a hostel for tribal girls was started and has been named as SUMATIBAI GORE ADIVASI VIDYARTHINI VASTIGRUH. This hostel accommodates more than 80 adivasi girls and provides lodging and boarding for them Mr. Jangnnath Wani a N.R.I. settled in Canada donated a sum of Rs. 2 lakh for the extension of existing building. Govt. has sanctioned grant for 54 girls only but at present 82 girls are residing in the hostel. Efforts are continuing to obtain additional grant from the Govt. For the overall development of the tribal girls, debates, cultural programs and other competitions are held regularly. Private Tuition are arranged for academic progress.
WORKING WOMEN'S HOSTEL: To provide safe and healthy accommodation for working women, a 10000 S.F.T. building was constructed in 1989 with the help of 75 % grant from the Central Govt. It has 21 rooms, independent kitchen, dinning hall and other recreational facilities. It can accommodate 75 working women. Women who do not have any shelter in Nashik find this hostel most convenient for their lodging and boarding. At present 51 women are utilizing facilities of the hostel. Remaining capacity of 24 women's is being utilized for the benefit of frequent visitors to the town (only Working Women)
NEW SWADHAR GRUH: The trust started a Short Stay Home in 1992 FROM 2016 This unit transfer into Swadhar Gruh. To provide shelter for those unfortunate women / girls who are rejected by the family and are thrown out of their homes. Sometimes these women come to the Swadhar Gruh , with their children. We provides immediate relief to such distressed women by providing shelter and food. The trust also helps in rehabilitation of such distressed women. This scheme is dependent on Central Govt. funds. During this period 3900 women, and children are utilizing the facilities of short stay home. At present 30 women and 7 children are staying in Swadhar Gruh.
SCHOOL IN TRIBAL VILLAGE: A residential school for the tribal students (boys and girls) has been started at Dhondegaon, Girnare, and Nashik. This school provides lodging, boarding and educational facilities up to 1st to 10th standard for tribal girls and boys. In Future 11th and 12th Arts, Commerce & Science classes will be added. The school has 400 students and 27staff members. At present this school is function in our own building.
RANM NURSING SCHOOL: A Nursing school has been started by the trust with the approval of Indian Nursing Council and Govt. of Maharashtra w.e.f. Aug 2006. The school provides training in Auxillary Nursing and Midwifery to the eligible students and will be useful in rehabilitation process of women. In order to finance our project where, Govt. Grant are not available financial support of a permanent nature in essential. Therefore the trust has following future plans.
RACHANA SHOPPING COMPLEX: A shopping complex of 28 shops i.e. 14 in the basement and 14 on the upper floor is construct opposite the working women's hostel. These shops are being given on lease and will provide recurring financial assistance for our various projects, by way of monthly rent.
RACHANA TRUST SPORTS & CULTURAL ACADEMY: Adjoining the Rachana Lawns, a huge Multipurpose Hall at a cost of over 1.20 crore is under construction. This project has been taken up with an anticipated financial aid of Rs. 45 lacs from the Central Govt. Multipurpose Hall will have Badminton Courts and all the facilities of a Health Club. It will provide all the static gadgets for workouts and will be most useful for the people living in the near vicinity as a Health Club as well as Recreation Center. This project is likely to generate additional funds to the tune of Rs. 7,20,000/- annually.